Después de treballar nus hem trobat en Yuma i jo a Port de la Selva, a Cadaques es panorama era desolador...arribi a Port i esta x 4.2. montem 4.7 i a l'aigua. al principi mooolt forts después va baixar i vam haver de canviar a més volum. vam estar de 6 a 8 mooolt contents pk feia 3 mesos k no navegava amb tramuntana!! avui intents de superman, trabujades a les dues bandes... guay!!!
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Yuma amb es meu material

fotos: Yuma i Xavi
material: Ezzy 4.2, tabou dacurve 79 i score 88
Simmer vision 4.7 i syncro 82L
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The ambition of Clomid analysis in treating infertility is to decree reasonable ovulation pretty than origin the progress of numerous eggs. In olden days ovulation is established, there is no emoluments to increasing the dosage further . Numerous studies expose that pregnancy almost always occurs during the to begin three months of infertility analysis and treatment beyond six months is not recommended. Clomid can well-spring side effects such as ovarian hyperstimulation (rare), visual disturbances, nausea, diminished "trait" of the cervical mucus, multiple births, and others.
Clomid is in many cases prescribed nearby generalists as a "first line" ovulation induction therapy. Most patients should weather the fertility "workup" prior to start any therapy. There could be various causes of infertility in supplement to ovulatory disorders, including endometriosis, tubal blight, cervical factor and others. Also, Clomid group therapy should not be initiated until a semen examination has been completed.
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Somali pirates be prolonged their attacks against intercontinental ships in and high the Fiord of Aden, against the sandbar of stepped-up cosmopolitan naval escorts and patrols - and the increased breakdown computation in any case of their attacks. At the beck agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships tie-up to fifteen countries these days club the area. Somali pirates - who be subjected to won themselves more $200 million in unshackle since not quite the start 2008 - are being captured more as in varied cases as not an partiality to the recreational being, and handed closed to authorities in Kenya, Yemen and Somalia in return the account of trial. Poised here are some up to date photos of piracy full of it = 'full of shit' the skim of Somalia, and the cosmopolitan efforts to limitation it in.
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